On 2011-12-06 20:14, Adam Wilson wrote:
My goal for the project is what you would term non-native in that it
does not make use of the OS widgets; however the plan is to provide
native looking skins for the widgets. I'd like to design something that
interfaces with the machine at a lower level than widgets. On Windows I
am targeting Direct2D, on Linux, OpenGL is the best candidate, and on
OSX, well OpenGL might work but OSX has a lot of options to explore, and
I don't have access to a Mac.

On Mac OS X you don't have many choices on that level, basically only OpenGL. There's Quartz but that is a higher level than OpenGL (I think).

(Anybody know how to get OSX working on VirtualBox?)

You're only allowed to install Mac OS X virtually on a physical Mac. For a version below 10.7 you are only allowed to use Mac OS X Server. You are allowed to install the client version virtually of 10.7 or higher. But that still needs to be install on a physical Mac.

That said, I read that VMware Fusion 4.1 allows to install client versions of 10.5 and 10.6 because of a mistake made by VMware (don't know if that allows to install on a physical PC).

Another alternative is to install Mac OS X on a physical PC anyway (virtually or native). How to do that is quite simple and easy to find by searching at google or similar.

Note that you're not allowed to do any of this according to the Apple's licenses. I'm just saying it's possible.

/Jacob Carlborg

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