On 27/12/11 1:29 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
We can easily have opDispatch look at field names. But I think it's poor
design to expose bald data anyway.

I disagree, especially with immutable structs. There's no point wrapping immutable data in functions or properties.

Also, what about template member functions of the held object?

struct Foo
int get(int X)() { return X; }

void main()
RefCounted!Foo f;
writeln(f.get!123()); // Doesn't work either

This is a problem.

I would recommend postponing any major additions to Phobos that use opDispatch to forward calls until it has been investigated in full. I am not convinced that it can be used seamlessly without some relatively large changes to the language.

Another potential problem of the top of my head: what about operator overloads on the held object? Just forward from opUnary/opBinary etc.?

What about held objects that overload opAssign?

What if the held object is itself a RefCounted?

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