On Tue, 27 Dec 2011 07:10:14 -0800, Andrei Alexandrescu 
<seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:

On 12/27/11 4:32 AM, Peter Alexander wrote:
On 27/12/11 3:05 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 12/26/11 8:23 PM, Peter Alexander wrote:
I am
not convinced that it can be used seamlessly without some relatively
large changes to the language.

I repeat that opDispatch and auto ref were invented for this, so
anything that doesn't work now is a bug. There are no changes needed to
the language, only fix the bugs :o).

How do you call template member functions of the held object without
changing opDispatch?

The idea is to pass the entire template instantiation as the string.

obj.foo!(bar, baz)(a, b);


obj.opDispatch!("foo!(bar, baz)")(a, b);


I would have thought that the template parameters would be passed to opDispatch 


although I don't know how opDispatch would be written to handle such a call in 
a generic manner, i.e. I would want to define it as

obj.opDispatch!(string name, Targs..,Vargs..)(Vargs args) { ... }

but stuff like that isn't possible currently.

That said, parsing the string for "bar" and "baz" is both difficult and doesn't provide access 
inside opDispatch to "bar" and "baz".

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