On 13 January 2012 22:37, Walter Bright <newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote:

>> Also, slight bikeshedding issue: I'm not so sure on using names like int4
>> for
>> vectors. You see things like int32 a lot to mean a 32-bit integer, or
>> int8 to
>> mean an 8-bit integer. Using this notation for vectors may be confusing.
>> As for what to change it to, I don't really care. int4v, vec_int4,
>> int_vector4,
>> anything. It doesn't matter.
> If int4 is out, I'd prefer something like vint4. Something short.

It's a hard call. I like float4/int4, and like the similarity to Cg/HLSL
personally. And these are the types that will be used 99% of the time.
short8 is very rare by comparison... I'm quite apprehensive about making a
compromise for the significantly less frequently used type.
That said, it did make me a little uncomfortable the moment I read it...

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