On 02/12/2012 03:04 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
For wxc I'll have to provide both static and shared library support.


win32-only: I've tried statically linking 2.9.3 via optlink but it
couldn't handle the vast amount of symbol names. Even if that was
resolved (it won't be) I can't use optlink anymore since wxWidgets has
basically dropped support for DMC, and I have to use either g++ or MSC
to build wxWidgets. Remember that Optlink can't link to COFF. The
alternatives that I know of are DMD+Unilink + static/dynamic library,
DMD+Optlink + dynamic library, or GDC + static/dynamic library.
There's also LDC but I haven't used it for D2 yet.

I think GDC is the tool of choice for wxd win32 and 64 development anyway. so i would use GDC. I meant _using_ wxD. Building wxD is most probably also more comfortable using GDC.

Event-Handling. Yesterday I had a look at the old wxd source from Anders. wxevent.d looks already very promising.


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