On 04/29/2012 02:17 PM, foobar wrote:
On Sunday, 29 April 2012 at 11:23:17 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

break can be used as an optimisation to stop execution of a loop that
performs a 'reduce' if the result cannot change after a certain point.
I use continue mostly for 'filter'-ing out elements from consideration.

Well, I'll use a filter to filter out elements.... :)

The filter condition is not always conveniently expressed in terms of a lambda function.

The current way enums can be used as manifest constants is a
generalization as well. The generalization takes place on the static
semantics level instead of on the conceptual level though.

A language is the interface between a human programmer and a computer
and should IMO provide clear conceptual level abstractions for the
benefit of the human. I realize that using enum for manifest constants
makes sense on the implementation level but I feel the compiler should
work for me and not the other way around.

Well, I don't think that 'enum' for manifest constants asks a lot from the programmer, but YMMV.

macro testMacro() {
 std.writeln("Hello world!");
 <| std.writeln("Hello world!"); |>

macro is a syntactic sugar on top of a regular function. You can call it
just like you call a regular function. The first line is executed
regularly and the second one is mixed-in [returned token stream from the
since the macro is evaluated by the compiler, the first line would
generate compile-time output. the second line would be part of the
generated code and would be thus executed during run-time of my code.

Regarding syntax, the main difference is that it's a token stream and
not text but otherwise pretty much the same as current CTFE. The
important difference here is the execution model which is different from

We have the 'macro' keyword ;). Probably it should just be a built-in primitive type of the language that represents an AST?

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