Meta comment: C++ is the spawn of the devil so I don't accept anything related to c++ as a valid argument.

On Sunday, 29 April 2012 at 20:09:34 UTC, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:

I have used D and didn't claim that foreach isn't useful.
What I said that is that it belongs in the library, NOT the language.

Yeah, we tried that in C++. It sucked.

See meta comment above.

The reason it works for many functional languages is that they have even more terse syntax than D. It would suck to make foreach a function in D.

D wants to support functional programming. That means we should provide whatever is necessary to write functional style code including foreach methods. IF D can't properly implement a FP foreach method (And IMO it *can*) than we have failed.

* version - this does not belong in a programming language. Git
is a much better solution.

So you'd maintain a git branch for every OS if there is some small part that is OS-dependent? I don't think that is a better approach at

It is far better than having a pile of #ifdef styled spaghetti code. I'd expect to have all the OS specific code encapsulated separately anyway, not spread around the code base. Which is the current recommended way of
versions anyway. The inevitable conclusion would be to either use a version management system like git or have separate implementation modules for platform specific code and use the build tool to implement
the logic of select the modules to include in the build.

Yeah, we tried that in C and C++. It sucked. See: Autotools.

see meta comment above.
The fact that you used a horribly designed language with a horrible mess of a "build tool" made out of shell scripts IIRC is not an indication that the language should include build-tool functionality.

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