
Well, these are some. I feel that the right line is somewhere between D1 and D2. It is good that advanced, complex features are present in D, I just not want to be forced to use those when porting "traditional" C code.

I expected to meet D and exclaim: wow! C++ done right! Instead, I feel like being forced to learn another, completely new paradigm language, like I would start with Lisp or something else.

I think D is not C++ done right any more, it's a new language. This was probably necessary if you want D to have a more than minimal chance of success.

I have translated a significant amount of C code to D1 and D2, and usually in such simple porting I find bugs in the original C code, like off-by-on errors in arrays, missing returns, missing breaks in switches, dead code paths caused by precedent returns, erroneous re-uses of loop variables used in outer scopes, and so on. So I love such (moderate) bug-discovering qualities of D, and I'd like D to have even more of them.

In many cases D doesn't force you to use its advanced features, it allows you to write very C-looking code too (that is usually bad D code). But probably D can't allow this in every case, some things need to change if you want to improve the language a little. So think of those forced uses as a small price to pay to have a better language.


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