Timon Gehr:

* I agree on supporting deducing length for static arrays. (there is a
  int[$] arr = [1,2,3]; proposal.)

Someone in Bugzilla ha just proposed an alternative idea, that despite not looking very nice, is not overall bad (here with a small change):

auto arr = [1, 2, 3]f;

That trailing f denotes a fixed-side array/string literal. So it's usable for other situations too.

* the foo(a,&b) example is biased because it uses a meaningless
function name. From the function name alone it is often *almost* clear that a certain argument will be modified. & & & spam is not
  'clean' either.

In C# you need to use "ref" and "out" at the calling point (in most cases). D language has chosen a different design, but here C# design has some advantages too, it makes the code semantics a bit more clear.


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