On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 01:21:56AM +0200, Mehrdad wrote:
> On Friday, 18 May 2012 at 23:02:18 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> >I find IDEs more painful to use than scratching your nails on a
> >chalkboard. The inability of running an IDE over a remote SSH
> >session without everything slowing down to a snail crawl makes it
> >completely unusable for me.
> Have you tried running Eclipse/Visual Studio over Remote Desktop on
> Windows?

I don't use Windows except when I have to fix my wife's windows laptop.

> Was it actually that slow?

Anything that has a GUI is unacceptably slow over a remote connection,
last time I checked. I'm not talking about connecting over a local
network, which doesn't really count, but a connection over the internet.

> >In the amount of time it takes the beast to paint the screen, I
> >could've manually refactored the code three times over.
> I don't think refactoring means what you think it means. xP
> Ever tried "Rename all references"?
> It's impossible to do correctly without IDE support, unless all your
> variable names are unique (idk about you, but I've never seen a
> project like that).

Strange, last I checked, global variables aren't a good coding practice.
:-) Renaming local variables is a trivial search-n-replace.

But you're right that certain renamings, like a member function name
that may be overloaded across a large number of classes, could
potentially be very painful. Though what I'd really like in that case is
a syntax-tree aware text editor. Or a nice console-based IDE that isn't
dependent upon a GUI.

> >The use of a _real_ text editor
> I use SciTE, with a handful of tweaks to the source code (not big,
> just small changes).
> It works on Linux as well, and it's amazing. (Not quite as powerful
> as Emacs/Vim, but it's hella more intuitive/easier to use, so worth
> it IMO.)

"Intuitive" text editors are ultimately also limited by their
intuitiveness, because what most people think of as "intuitive" is "what
I type appears on the screen" and "I don't have to memorize obscure key
sequences to get stuff done". What you really need are _logical_
operations, like "navigate to the word 'void'", "go down 3 paragraphs",
"go to the start of this block", "replace text up to the next matching
delimiter", "select the function body", "line-wrap the selected text",

> >(i.e., NOT that monstrous shipwreck of an excuse for software called
> >notepad, or its dainbramaged second cousin wordpad)
> LOL those are "editors"? I just thought they were 'pads'...

They aren't real editors, no, but a lot people seem to think they are.

> >Like, one that can filter an arbitrary text selection through an
> >arbitrary-complex shell command.  Or that can repeatedly apply a
> >complex sequence of editing commands at a single keystroke (as
> >opposed to navigating the rodent through endless layers of menus).
> Ever used macros in Visual Studio? (There might exist the same thing
> for Eclipse, idk.)

I'm not talking about having to click through 5 menus and type in a
macro definition, bind it to some keystroke, and then run it afterwards.
I'm talking about things like "search for this regex and replace it with
that pattern, now do this again to the next 25 occurrences of the search
term" -- ON THE FLY. I don't care to waste time defining a whole named
macro just for this one occasion. I want to, in essence, write 1-line
code to transform the current selection, right now.

> No?
> Well, it does what you're saying.
> In a more powerful way than you're saying. :P

Then please enlighten me with an example. :-)

> >But I won't start the Visual Irritation vs. Extremely Massive And
> >Cumbersome System flamewar here. ;-)
> ...oops

By which I mean VI vs. EMACS, of course. ;-)


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.

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