"Nick Sabalausky" <seewebsitetocontac...@semitwist.com> wrote in message 
> "Nick Sabalausky" <seewebsitetocontac...@semitwist.com> wrote in message 
> news:jpe4ru$13e8$1...@digitalmars.com...
>> "David Nadlinger" <s...@klickverbot.at> wrote in message 
>> news:lvpmnrfdyinxvkzus...@forum.dlang.org...
>>> GitHub have just released their Windows GUI for Git/GitHub:
>>> http://windows.github.com/
>>> Although I'm not sure if it really stands up to the promise of 
>>> being »the easiest way to use Git on Windows«, it might be interesting 
>>> to some of you who prefer to rather not be bothered with the inner 
>>> workings of Git.
>>> The release announcement is at: 
>>> https://github.com/blog/1127-github-for-windows.
>> Finally!
>> I still don't understand what posessd them to do a Mac version first. 
>> Nobody uses Mac.
> Jesus, it's almost as bad as their web interface. I don't know how the 
> hell they managed that, I'd think you have to *try* to make a desktop app 
> that bad.
> Upon initial startup: "An unhandled win32 exception occurred in 
> GitHub.exe". Great.
> Then it runs anyway? But there's *no* titlebar whatsoever. And everything 
> else about it is the most poorly-implemented custom-UI I've ever come 
> across. Gratuitus amounts of wasted space. Controls that behave...wrong 
> and don't even look *at all* like what they're supposed to be (*that* is 
> supposed to be a scroll-bar?). Constant...shit...popping up every time you 
> touch the mouse. And as far as looks, I'd say it's the ugliest program 
> I've used since Chrome, but honesty - it's really is uglier than even 
> that. They actually managed to make things like Steam and modern *Adobe* 
> UIs seem decent! I didn't think that was even *possible* without VB3.
> And on top of that, it's *still* bloatware-city.
> Seriously, I could *swear* they made this stupid thing in flash. That 
> actually wouldn't surprise me at all.
> OTOH, I completely understand now why it started out on Mac. No doubt it 
> would fit right in there.
> Oh, and the final nail in the coffin, big enough to make everything else 
> completely irrelevent? You can't even use it to do *anything* with 
> GitHub-hosted repos other than list *your* repos, view the readme, and 
> make a local clone. And you can't even choose *where* to put the local 
> clone! Seriously? What a completely useless turd of a *cough*"program".
> Bah. Fuck GitHub. Head up their asses just as far as Google.

Hah, and as if all that wan't bad enough, I just noticed on the announcement 
page that it *cough*"features" "silent, automated updates". I get the 
impression this is the sort of program where updates would likely just make 
things worse.

Oh and also on the announcement page: "No-options installation!", like 
*programmers* are expected to be too stupid to hande standard installation 
options? Jeez, "know your audience", people.

At least it uninstalled easily enough.

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