"Jacob Carlborg" <d...@me.com> wrote in message 
> On 2012-05-21 21:56, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> "Nick Sabalausky"<seewebsitetocontac...@semitwist.com>  wrote in message
>> news:jpe4ru$13e8$1...@digitalmars.com...
>>> "David Nadlinger"<s...@klickverbot.at>  wrote in message
>>> news:lvpmnrfdyinxvkzus...@forum.dlang.org...
>>>> GitHub have just released their Windows GUI for Git/GitHub:
>>>> http://windows.github.com/
>>>> Although I'm not sure if it really stands up to the promise of 
>>>> being »the
>>>> easiest way to use Git on Windows«, it might be interesting to some of
>>>> you who prefer to rather not be bothered with the inner workings of 
>>>> Git.
>>>> The release announcement is at:
>>>> https://github.com/blog/1127-github-for-windows.
>>> Finally!
>>> I still don't understand what posessd them to do a Mac version first.
>>> Nobody uses Mac.
>> Jesus, it's almost as bad as their web interface. I don't know how the 
>> hell
>> they managed that, I'd think you have to *try* to make a desktop app that
>> bad.
>> Upon initial startup: "An unhandled win32 exception occurred in 
>> GitHub.exe".
>> Great.
>> Then it runs anyway? But there's *no* titlebar whatsoever. And everything
>> else about it is the most poorly-implemented custom-UI I've ever come
>> across. Gratuitus amounts of wasted space. Controls that behave...wrong 
>> and
>> don't even look *at all* like what they're supposed to be (*that* is
>> supposed to be a scroll-bar?). Constant...shit...popping up every time 
>> you
>> touch the mouse. And as far as looks, I'd say it's the ugliest program 
>> I've
>> used since Chrome, but honesty - it's really is uglier than even that. 
>> They
>> actually managed to make things like Steam and modern *Adobe* UIs seem
>> decent! I didn't think that was even *possible* without VB3.
> Isn't that the new GUI for Windows 8 :

I wasn't running it on Win8. It was on XP.

I guess it's kinda like Chrome: Hey Google, imitate the native UI all you 
want, but the fakeness is pretty damn obvious when Aero suddenly shows up on 
an XP machine.

> http://www.winsupersite.com/article/windows8/windows-8-release-preview-rip-aero-20032012-143133

Oh, so it's that time of the week again already? Time for MS to change their 
minds once again on which is cool and uncool: straight vs curved?

Egads, it's like they're spinning their wheels just for the sake of spinning 
them. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The computer industry has 
become the goddamn fasion industry.

Win3: Rounded edges! Couldn't have those before!

95: Rounded is so old. Stright-edged (*cough* like Win1&2 *cough*) is 

XP: Straight edges and flat colors are sooo old-fasioned! Roundess, curves 
and gradients are in! ("Yea, whatever...Luna: Off, Classic: On")

Vista: Transperency is hip and modern! More curves! More shading!

Win8: Transparency, curves, gradients and shading are sooo old-fasioned! 
Stright edges and flat colors are in!


It's all change just for the sake of fucking change. Why most of the world 
seems to be so chronically blind to it is beyond me.

And then there's MS's "between-OS" styles-of-the-week, like in the late 90's 
when MS decided all their non-OS releases for one year should use black menu 
bars instead of system-default.

Make up your fucking mind, MS.

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