On 7/31/2012 5:48 PM, Stuart wrote:
I notice nobody else at all has objected to my being told to fuck off and stop
wasting people's time. I guess it's okay for people to talk to me like that, 

Not many of us read all the posts. Is it ok for people to level such insults in this forum? I certainly think it is inappropriate.

But I do try and allow people to say whatever they want as much as possible. If you look hard enough in this forum, you'll find the occasional similar insult directed at me.

Such language, and attempts at trolling and baiting others tend to just be 

I can just fuck off if everyone would rather. After this blatant abuse - which
has gone unremarked, it seems - I'm seriously considering leaving.

I certainly wish you'd stay. I don't believe Bernard is representative of our community.

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