Stuart, I highly recommend you reread the first 4 pages of this topic. You should notice everyone trying to help you and give you information on what was going on. You should also notice (if you make any attempt at all to pay attention) that your posts were fairly confrontational and could be interpreted to be insulting (by "could be", I mean "has", at this point, of course).

You responded to peoples' escalations with more escalations. Obviously, that almost never works and has simply fanned the flames.

Even now there are people trying to extend olive branches to you even though you continue to be insulting. If you continue this, you can only expect more people to join in on the conversation to give you a piece of their minds.

I recommend a break from this topic (permanently, ideally) and relax for awhile. You seem to be wound tight and there's no sense in taking your frustrations out on your fellow programmers like this.

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