On Wednesday, 1 August 2012 at 01:10:30 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I've also been surprised by Bernard's exaggerated reaction. Your vent was not the most unreasonable out there.

Mm. I just got really frustrated at not being able to use this interesting new language.

(Which, incidentally, I still cannot do because the (helpful, constructive) suggestions for compiling DFL or finding alternatives have not, in fact, worked.)

I can just fuck off if everyone would rather. After this blatant abuse - which has gone unremarked, it seems - I'm seriously considering leaving.

Are you threatening to leave an online forum? Now this is exactly the kind of immature thing that won't help any.

Threatening? No. I was simply being honest. After that entirely undeserved attack, I was considering leaving the forum and giving up on D. Some people are trying to help me and are being constructive; but some have been complete pricks, and that's really not helping my enthusiasm for the project.

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