On 8/3/12 4:05 PM, bearophile wrote:

im a c++/c# developper and i really want to try D.

I am currently developing a MMORPG, client part is in c++ and
server in c#, i want to know if D language is "ok" for the client side ?

I have one more comment. I see D as a possible future alternative to Ada
to write some moderately reliable programs. D is not designed to write
programs as reliable as Ada programs (*), but once the D compiler and
Phobos will be well debugged, I think D programs will be more reliable
than C/C++ programs.

But so far I have not seen people think and discuss of D as a possible
future alternative to Ada; most people seem interested in D just as a
language to write games.

(*) Ada has many features missing in D that make its programs
significantly safer than D programs, like:
- built-in ranged integers;
- user-defined array indexes;
- clean syntax to stack-allocate matrices of runtime-defined sizes;
- pointer kinds with different limitations;
- stack overeflow safeties;
- safe concurrency;
- no undefined semantics;
- explicit type conversions;
- sane modulus on negative numbers;
- integral runtime overflow tests;
- etc etc.


What did I just read? Oh boy.


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