As a matter of interest the first tests with the Olivia mode were made on
05 dec04 in the following format - from OH/DK4ZC  to VK2DSG on 14101.5
using 400mw to 2 el quad  - here is a copy of the RX text at VK2DSG -
It doesnt look much like Olivia as we know it today
de les vk2dsg

MFSK log on 05dec2004_214824
    91/0/+0: '0 abc', S/N = 101.4/ 7.9 =  12.9
    91/0/+1: '0 aoc', S/N =  81.6/ 7.7 =  10.5
   154/0/+0: 'defgh', S/N =  96.3/ 9.9 =   9.7
   154/0/+1: 'def h', S/N =  81.5/ 9.0 =   9.0
   154/1/+0: 'defg\', S/N =  81.2/ 8.5 =   9.6
   155/0/+0: 'defgh', S/N = 106.9/ 9.5 =  11.2
   155/0/+1: 'Fefgu', S/N =  79.8/ 9.0 =   8.9
   191/0/+7: ' j  {', S/N =  72.1/ 8.9 =   8.1
   217/1/+0: 'ijklm', S/N =  99.4/ 9.4 =  10.6
   217/1/+1: 'ijklm', S/N =  90.9/ 9.2 =   9.9
   218/0/-1: 'ijkl}', S/N =  79.0/ 9.7 =   8.1
   218/0/+0: 'ijklm', S/N = 154.9/ 8.1 =  19.0
   218/0/+1: 'ijklm', S/N = 120.7/ 8.5 =  14.2
   218/0/+2: 'ij lm', S/N =  86.9/10.8 =   8.0
   255/0/+4: 'G G X', S/N =  91.4/11.0 =   8.3
   281/1/+2: 'wbp k', S/N =  77.2/ 9.4 =   8.2
   282/0/+2: 'wbp k', S/N =  84.4/10.2 =   8.3
   282/1/+0: 'nopq ', S/N =  79.4/ 8.6 =   9.2
   282/1/+1: 'nopqr', S/N =  88.0/ 8.2 =  10.8
   283/0/+0: 'nopqr', S/N = 108.7/ 9.3 =  11.7
   283/0/+1: 'nopqr', S/N = 106.9/ 8.3 =  12.8
   321/0/-5: ' h U ', S/N =  61.5/ 7.7 =   8.0
   399/0/+2: ' X/o6', S/N =  76.6/ 9.4 =   8.1
   410/1/+0: 'xyz12', S/N = 113.3/ 7.9 =  14.3
   410/1/+1: 'xyz12', S/N =  95.4/ 8.3 =  11.5
   411/0/+0: 'xyz12', S/N = 109.2/ 8.7 =  12.5
   411/0/+1: 'xyz12', S/N =  95.0/ 8.2 =  11.6
   421/0/-7: ' K h ', S/N =  68.3/ 8.3 =   8.2
   473/1/-1: 'Fe567', S/N =  81.3/ 9.0 =   9.0
   473/1/+0: '34567', S/N = 116.4/ 8.7 =  13.4
   473/1/+1: '34567', S/N =  94.1/ 8.8 =  10.7
   474/0/+0: '34567', S/N =  91.7/ 8.4 =  10.9
   474/0/+1: '34567', S/N =  78.5/ 8.2 =   9.6
   510/1/-5: 'oZl3s', S/N =  74.0/ 8.5 =   8.7
   538/1/+0: '8~0 a', S/N =  73.1/ 8.7 =   8.4
   543/0/-3: '( N$ ', S/N =  56.9/ 7.0 =   8.1
   601/1/+0: 'bcdef', S/N = 106.1/ 9.1 =  11.6
   601/1/+1: 'bcdef', S/N =  74.4/ 8.7 =   8.6
   665/1/+0: 'gh jk', S/N = 108.9/ 9.4 =  11.6
   665/1/+1: 'gh jk', S/N =  99.0/ 8.7 =  11.4
   665/1/+2: '   yk', S/N =  83.6/10.2 =   8.2
   666/0/+0: 'ghijP', S/N =  66.8/ 8.4 =   8.0
   681/1/+2: 'U4 T2', S/N =  71.3/ 8.8 =   8.1
   723/1/-3: '(PI V', S/N =  64.3/ 7.9 =   8.1
   730/1/-1: 'LQn p', S/N =  65.8/ 7.7 =   8.5
   730/1/+0: 'lmnop', S/N =  84.6/ 8.0 =  10.5
   730/1/+1: 'lmnop', S/N =  71.3/ 7.4 =   9.6
   793/1/+0: 'qrst[', S/N =  84.2/10.3 =   8.1
   794/0/+0: 'qrstu', S/N =  76.9/ 9.3 =   8.2
   794/1/+0: 'qrstu', S/N = 108.3/ 9.7 =  11.1
   794/1/+1: 'qOstu', S/N =  85.5/ 9.7 =   8.8
   857/0/+0: 'vwxyz', S/N =  73.0/ 8.7 =   8.4
   857/1/+0: 'vwxyz', S/N =  78.6/ 9.5 =   8.2
   858/1/+0: 'vwxyz', S/N =  97.1/ 8.9 =  10.9
   858/1/+1: 'v xyz', S/N =  69.7/ 8.6 =   8.1
   907/1/-7: '*U Iv', S/N =  64.5/ 7.8 =   8.2
   922/1/+0: '12345', S/N =  74.0/ 8.2 =   9.1
   922/1/+1: '1=<c5', S/N =  62.5/ 7.7 =   8.2
   986/0/+0: '67890', S/N =  92.5/ 8.6 =  10.8
   986/0/+1: '67890', S/N =  72.3/ 8.2 =   8.8
   986/1/+0: '67890', S/N =  93.1/ 8.7 =  10.7
   986/1/+1: '678Q0', S/N =  70.0/ 8.3 =   8.4
  1013/0/-5: 'HJGlR', S/N =  80.1/ 9.6 =   8.3
  1017/0/-3: '1 (6Q', S/N =  87.1/10.0 =   8.7
  1049/0/-1: ' abcd', S/N = 113.0/10.3 =  11.0
  1049/0/+0: ' abcd', S/N = 188.0/ 8.8 =  21.3
  1049/0/+1: ' abcd', S/N = 156.3/ 8.2 =  19.2
  1049/1/-1: ' abcd', S/N =  95.7/10.0 =   9.6
  1049/1/+0: ' abcd', S/N = 137.6/10.0 =  13.7
  1049/1/+1: ' abcd', S/N = 121.7/ 9.3 =  13.2
  1087/0/+0: '  & C', S/N =  91.9/11.5 =   8.0
  1114/0/+0: 'efghi', S/N = 131.8/ 8.6 =  15.4
  1114/0/+1: 'efghi', S/N = 106.4/ 8.5 =  12.5
  1114/1/+0: 'efghi', S/N = 116.7/ 8.5 =  13.7
  1114/1/+1: 'efghi', S/N =  93.8/ 8.6 =  10.9
  1141/0/-1: ' G/Bg', S/N =  72.3/ 9.0 =   8.1
  1177/0/+0: 'jklmn', S/N =  98.3/ 9.5 =  10.3
  1177/0/+1: 'jklmn', S/N =  81.0/ 9.1 =   8.9
  1206/0/+0: '3:J  ', S/N =  93.1/11.5 =   8.1
  1240/1/+0: 'op 8s', S/N =  76.6/ 9.1 =   8.4
  1241/0/-6: ' Z_  ', S/N =  83.2/10.2 =   8.2
  1241/0/-1: 'opqrs', S/N =  76.1/ 9.0 =   8.4
  1241/0/+0: 'opqrs', S/N = 140.4/ 8.6 =  16.3
  1241/0/+1: 'opqrs', S/N = 113.5/ 8.0 =  14.2
  1241/0/+2: 'opY s', S/N =  85.2/10.5 =   8.1
  1241/1/+0: 'opqrs', S/N =  79.5/ 9.0 =   8.9
  1241/1/+1: 'o( rs', S/N =  77.7/ 8.7 =   9.0
  1292/0/+1: '  yM\', S/N =  68.6/ 8.5 =   8.1
  1300/0/+3: '  @&W', S/N =  66.4/ 8.3 =   8.0
  1305/0/+0: 'tuvwx', S/N =  98.9/ 8.6 =  11.5
  1305/1/+0: 'tuvwx', S/N =  73.4/ 8.1 =   9.1
  1306/0/+0: 'tuvw|', S/N =  82.9/ 9.2 =   9.0
  1354/1/+4: 'R ]  ', S/N =  66.1/ 8.1 =   8.1
  1369/0/+0: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', S/N =  82.8/ 9.3 =   8.9
  1370/0/+0: 'yz123', S/N =  89.8/ 8.9 =  10.1
  1370/0/+1: 'yz123', S/N =  82.9/ 8.5 =   9.8
  1376/1/-5: ' !ptJ', S/N =  66.1/ 8.0 =   8.2
  1380/1/+2: '|<D[(', S/N =  70.6/ 8.8 =   8.1
  1396/1/+7: '(<   ', S/N =  69.9/ 8.6 =   8.1
  1432/1/+0: '45678', S/N = 107.1/ 8.5 =  12.6
  1432/1/+1: '4e678', S/N =  85.8/ 8.7 =   9.9
  1433/0/+0: '45678', S/N = 108.5/ 8.9 =  12.2
  1433/0/+1: '45678', S/N =  96.2/ 8.6 =  11.2
  1496/1/+0: '90 ab', S/N =  82.1/ 9.6 =   8.5
  1497/0/+0: '90 ab', S/N =  80.0/ 9.9 =   8.0
  1497/0/+1: '90Rab', S/N =  74.4/ 8.9 =   8.3
  1498/0/+0: '90 9b', S/N =  86.0/ 9.7 =   8.9
  1522/1/+0: '.#CfG', S/N =  93.3/10.3 =   9.1
  1560/1/+0: 'cdefg', S/N = 133.8/ 9.1 =  14.7
  1560/1/+1: 'cdefg', S/N = 118.0/ 8.9 =  13.2
  1561/0/-1: 'ch'f ', S/N =  74.8/ 9.2 =   8.1
  1561/0/+0: 'cdefg', S/N = 118.7/ 9.3 =  12.8
  1561/0/+1: 'c efg', S/N =  95.7/ 8.9 =  10.8
  1604/0/-5: 'F . C', S/N =  67.9/ 8.2 =   8.3
  1608/0/-6: '7  U-', S/N =  68.2/ 8.3 =   8.3
  1624/1/+0: 'hijkl', S/N =  74.2/ 8.8 =   8.4
  1625/1/-1: ' ijkl', S/N =  72.6/ 8.5 =   8.6
  1625/1/+0: 'hijkl', S/N =  97.0/ 8.1 =  12.0
  1625/1/+1: 'hijkl', S/N =  88.8/ 8.4 =  10.6
  1626/0/+0: 'hijkl', S/N =  89.5/ 8.5 =  10.5
  1626/0/+1: 'hijkl', S/N =  76.7/ 8.5 =   9.0
  1688/1/+0: 'mnapq', S/N =  97.8/ 9.9 =   9.9
  1688/1/+1: 'Qn pq', S/N =  74.0/ 9.0 =   8.2
  1689/0/+0: 'mnapq', S/N =  79.6/ 9.3 =   8.5
  1689/1/+0: 'mnopq', S/N =  89.5/10.3 =   8.7
  1689/1/+1: 'mnopq', S/N =  77.9/ 9.0 =   8.7
  1690/0/+0: 'mnopq', S/N =  77.3/ 9.5 =   8.2
  1742/0/-1: 'F1 6.', S/N =  72.1/ 8.8 =   8.2
  1752/1/+0: 'rstuv', S/N =  79.2/ 9.6 =   8.3
  1753/0/+0: 'rstuv', S/N =  80.0/ 8.6 =   9.3
  1763/0/-5: ' a#8%', S/N =  69.6/ 8.5 =   8.1
  1816/1/+0: 'wxyz1', S/N = 109.8/ 8.7 =  12.6
  1816/1/+1: 'wxyz1', S/N =  76.2/ 8.5 =   9.0
  1860/1/+4: 'nf /y', S/N =  87.4/10.8 =   8.1
  1880/1/-1: '-3456', S/N =  66.6/ 8.2 =   8.1
  1880/1/+0: '23456', S/N = 104.2/ 8.7 =  12.0
  1880/1/+1: '23456', S/N =  77.7/ 8.1 =   9.6
  1881/1/+1: ' 34e6', S/N =  70.9/ 8.4 =   8.5
  1897/0/-4: ' R IL', S/N =  64.4/ 8.0 =   8.1
  1945/1/+0: '[890 ', S/N =  74.4/ 8.5 =   8.7
  1945/1/+1: '7890 ', S/N =  68.6/ 8.0 =   8.6
  1955/0/+3: '|e|<J', S/N =  61.6/ 7.2 =   8.5
  2115/1/-7: '    <', S/N =  96.9/11.5 =   8.4
  2198/1/+6: '_eDDJ', S/N =  61.3/ 7.6 =   8.1
  2355/0/+2: '(`z",', S/N =  49.0/ 6.0 =   8.1
  2411/1/-1: 'X DM ', S/N =  50.9/ 6.2 =   8.2
  2531/0/-4: 'F+t  ', S/N =  52.0/ 6.3 =   8.2
  2769/0/+5: ' C C ', S/N =  49.0/ 6.1 =   8.0

Brad Granger wrote:

>Message: 13        
>   Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2005 08:14:49 -0000
>   From: "Dave Bernstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Bandwidth and Olivia
>Howard's assertion was that current US regulations impeded US 
>amateurs from developing Olivia or PAX. Brad, your statement about 
>the delayed use of this mode by US amateurs, if true, would not 
>support Howard's claim. But your statement isn't true either!
>According to its creator, Pawel SP9VRC, Olivia was completed in 
>December 2004:
>The first post on this reflector mentioning what later came to be 
>known as Olivia was made on December 23rd by Ron KA2HZO, who was 
>already QRV:
>This is followed by a blizzard of posts by hams around the world 
>learning how to install the software and use the mode.
>    73,
>        Dave, AA6YQ
>That was then followed by a blizzard of posts in February by USA hams
>(ronchap being one very concerned fellow) trying to decide whether the mode
>was legal, trying to ensure sufficient documentation to FCC for approval,
>etc. Many ceased operation until the matter was cleared up.
>Saying that Ron was first QRV, doesn't necessarily mean that the mode was
>legal, he could have jumped the gun. Indeed, that is what he thought had
>happened. The whole ambiguity of the situation needed to be resolved and
>there is another blizzard of letters, February, calling for bandwidth based
>Our new VK regs say "any mode with a necessary bandwidth of less than 8kHz"
>SO the whole issue of definitions doesn't happen, and VK2DSG was up there
>very very early testing the beta of Olivia making contacts between Europe
>and VK at 400mW even under our old Regs.
>If the whole issue is that the ARRL does not seem to have come up with a
>companion bandplan, then it is time to address that point, write to them and
>get one on paper.
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