I for one do not love the ARRL plan.. but it is an improvement over the existing limitation on baud rates and mixing of data, voice and image...and it is likely the best we are going to be able to get at this time.
Howard S. White Ph.D. P. Eng., VE3GFW/K6  ex-AE6SM  KY6LA
Website: www.ky6la.com
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"
"Ham Antennas Save Lives - Katrina, 2003 San Diego Fires, 911"
----- Original Message -----
From: KV9U
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: ARRL proposal removes baud rate limitations on HF

There is nothing holding back such experimentation here in the U.S.

For one thing, you don't even need to test this on HF first. If it ever
proved to be successful on VHF/UHF in a narrow bandwidth format, then it
could be adopted for HF use as well.

Just wishing something technical to happen or believing that you can
have multiple voice conversations within the ultra narrow 3 KHz or so BW
is very unlikely due the scientific limitations. But even if current
theory was shown to be false and a breakthrough ever occurred, it would
be easy to test on HF.

The bandwidth proposals seem to me to LIMIT the future possibilities for
new voice and high throughput modes on HF due to the very limits placed
up the maximum bandwidths permitted on HF. Right now the main limit is
baud rate.

From what the best minds in the commercial world have been able to come
up with, we don't see any digital voice modes that are narrow (~ 3 KHz).
While the reason for the required move to digital was to narrow the
BW's, they are still much wider than 3 KHz if I understand the current
state of the art and while they work fairly well under good signal
conditions, they can be a problem under difficult conditions where older
analog signals may get through when the digital ones do not. The move to
digital seems to be more related to spectrum conservation.

Even though high data throughput real time modes are difficult to work
with narrow BW signals, we should see some improvement (and we have)
with data modes that do not have to be as much in real time and which
have a magnitude less signalling rate throughput needs.

I see no legal framework changes that will "free" developers to do all
that much on HF except for the baud rate increase. But that did not need
a sea change to implement. As you know you have made pronouncements
about this and were asked to give examples of what limitations were now
present with existing rules and you have not responded.

The one limitation that I have been most concerned about is the ability
to mix data/voice/(analog or digital)/ and image on one frequency. Based
upon ARRL statements and looking at the overall plan, I am not sure if
this will be allowed under new band plans.

Rick, KV9U

Dr. Howard S. White wrote:

> JIm:

> You have made a very good case as to why we need to experiment and
> come up with new technologies...

> Instead of concentrating on all the potential and imaginary
> negatives... which very much reflect the old anti SSB and anti FM
> arguments...you need to look at the positives...

> There are a myriad of technologies for squeezing high baud rates into
> tiny channels... there are a myriad of new and not so new technologes
> out there ... such as TDMA, CDMA and Spread Spectrum...

> It's going to take some clever hams to develop these into a practical
> DV system for HF on Ham Radio...

> I believe that the technology is there to allow multiple QRM free
> multiple QSO's to share a standard HF voice bandwidth... some ham
> needs to put it together... and some ham (likely not in the USA under
> current baud rate limited rules) will likely do it..

> Equipment.. Anything Hams develop will likely be computer based...
> maybe even sound card based as that is the cheapest technology.... and
> it is likely that you will still be able to use your HF transceiver....

> New Modes:    Stop being so negative.....Heck... new modes is what
> this Reflector is all about... Olivia, Contestia...new versions of
> DV...we welcome new modes as they improve things....

> I do not have all the answers.. I just know that there has to be a
> better way.....

> DV... has lots of potential to give us more channel capacity with less
> QRM... we just need to legal framework in place so that we can
> experiment with it to dispell all those imaginary negatives....


Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://cluster.dynalias.org

Other areas of interest:

The MixW Reflector : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/themixwgroup/
DigiPol: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Digipol  (band plan policy discussion)

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