>  I will also ask the question again:
>  If we had the ability to send high speed digital data on HF, what would
>  we be sending to each other that we don't do now?

Anything.  Everything.   There's no 'technical' reason we don't do
everything on HF.  Discussion groups like this, pictures, favorite
songs, audio/video snapshots.

WL2K is right in one sense that it's good to offload as much as
possible to the Internet as soon as possible.   On the other hand, the
"Land Line Lid" folks were right that putting traffic to the Internet
stifles innovation and technology.

My stock question again:

What would have to change to make what we do (Amateur Radio - digital)
interesting and relevant to the typical Jr High School computer
hobbiest?  We can talk forever about A1C's and X0Z's but in 10 or 20
years it's going to be that Jr Hi  generation that's doing what ever
is being done.

Bill - WA7NWP

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