The question was what would we send with Highspeed that we don't now?  
Probably nothing, but it would be nice to do so.

  I have been watching this debate for some time, and readily admit that I 
don't understand this headlong rush into more regulations, on top of what to me 
would be an onerous situation already.  Other countries have gone the opposite 
way, with fewer regulations for ham radio to the point where the regulations 
consist one or 2 licence classes ( and their requirements),what bands you may 
transmit in  and the maximum power and bandwith you can use. All this has been 
done with the blessing of the IRU. A couple of years into this, and so far it 

  As a non-US citizen, maybe someone could explain to me WHY all these rules 
and regulations need to be established in the US ? Does the government  and/or 
the ham community not trust it's citizens to work cooperatively and to follow 
historical operating practices and segments? Why isn't the ARRL marching along 
the road to less and less, rather than more and more? Are lawyers and lobbyists 
a growth industry?

  The more I read the less I understand................



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