expeditionradio writes:
 > Let's be blunt together, but let's focus on the topic instead of
 > personality. The fact is, there's a proposed solution on the table. If
 > you have a truly constructive suggestion, let's hear it. Sexist or
 > condescending remarks do nothing to advance the discussion. 

Right on target.  The other posters' remarks strike me as regrettably
personal and non-constructive.  Below are my comments on the proposal.

 > 80 meter Bandplan 2007 for USA:
 > ==========================
 > ========================
 > 3500-3540 = CW
 > 3540-3560 = Any Mode, 500Hz Bandwidth
 > 3560-3600 = Any Mode

Given what the FCC has done to 80 meters, nobody is going to get
everything they'd like out of any new USA band plan.  Still, it seems
to me that as advocates for the data modes, we are more likely to
obtain the cooperation and agreement of those with whom we share
3500-3600 KHz if our proposals leave half of the new band for the CW ops.
Accordingly, while I can live with Bonnie's suggestion as presented, I
suggest moving the boundaries up by 10 KHz.

3500-3550 = CW
3550-3570 = Any mode up to 500Hz bandwidth
3570-3600 = Any mode

That gives general and advanced CW ops 25 KHz of mode-exclusive space
instead of 15, and extras 50 KHz instead of 40.  It still leaves room
for about 12 concurrent 2.5 KHz-wide data-mode QSOs above 3570, or 10
if the wide mode operation are assumed to occupy 3KHz each.  I think
that's enough.  (Of course, I *would* think that, since I'm not much
interested in wide data modes below 10M. <grin>)

Now let's move all of the keyboarding frequencies up by 10 Khz from
Bonnie's proposals:

 > PSK31 = 3545kHz USB (3545.3-3548.0 kHz)

PSK31 = 3555kHz USB (3555.3-3558.0 kHz)

 > QPSK31/PSK63/125 = 3547kHz USB (3547.3-3550.0 kHz)

QPSK31/PSK63/125 = 3557kHz USB (3557.3-3560.0 kHz)

 > MFSK = 3548kHz USB (3548.3-3551.0 kHz)

MFSK = 3558kHz USB (3558.3-3561.0 kHz)

 > OLIVIA500 = 3549kHz USB (3549.3-3553.0 kHz)

OLIVIA500 = 3559kHz USB (3559.3-3563.0 kHz)

 > CONTESTIA/DOMINO, etc = 3550kHz USB (3550.3-3554.0 kHz)

CONTESTIA/DOMINO, etc = 3560kHz USB (3560.3-3564.0 kHz)

 > HELL/FMHELL = 3552kHz USB (3552.3-3555 kHz)

HELL/FMHELL = 3562kHz USB (3562.3-3565 kHz)

 > RTTY/FSK = 3555+ (3555.3-3565 kHz)

RTTY/FSK = 3565+ (3565.3-3575 kHz)

 > PAX/MT63/OLIVIA1000 = 3560kHz USB (3560.5-3563)

PAX/MT63/OLIVIA1000 = 3570kHz USB (3570.5-3573)

As always, the CW folks, when they need elbow room, are free to move
up the band, but we can at least hope that they will go fight it out
with the Pactor3/Winlink crowd at the top of the band, rather with the
experimenters and narrow-mode operators in between.


73 DE KW6H, ex-AE6VW, Chris Jewell  Gualala CA USA

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