There is something I am missing here.
Doesn't it seem like a good idea to get 35KHz more space for digital 
modes, even if some part of the space can be used by the "automatic" 
stations?  I have to agree the 3600KHz upper end is a bit cramped.
On Wed, 13 Dec 2006 7:38 pm, kd4e wrote:
> What is the best means by which we may quickly encourage
> the FCC to *NOT* "stay their rule"?
> Sure would hate for them to do so based on representations
> of a few that it would be OK with the majority.
> Is there a preferred E-mail address at the FCC for such
> matters?
>>  By Friday, there will be no non 97.221(c)(1) and (2) stations (fully
>>  automatic or wide band semi-automatic) that will be operating on 80
>>  meters in the U.S. since there will be no automatic subband available
>>  ...  unless the FCC stays their own new rule.
>>  73, Rick, KV9U
> --
> Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
> ... in sunny & warm Florida  :-)
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> Thank our brave soldiers this season:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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