
The problem with SHARES, MARS, Red Cross and other NGO disaster operations 
frequency/spectrum assignemnts is that the assignments say what type of 
transmissions are allowed.  Thus if the frequency is assigned for SSB, then you 
cannot use CW or a data mode...even if the organization desired to.  SHARES and 
MARS frequencies have a better change of getting other modes allowed on their 
frequencies than other NGOs.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of kd4e
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: New ARRL Petition

> Just so you are aware. There are some of us who don't think that Winlink 
> 2000 is the answer to our prayers.
> Most of NTS Digital is still running Classic Winlink 2.9 which doesn't 
> offer internet forwarding and relies upon direct forwarding from each 
> Winlink
> NTSD station via RF. We favor automatic operation in the assigned 
> automatic sub bands. In fact most of our operation is confined within 
> these sub bands.
> Elimination of the auto control sub band is a real problem to us.   We 
> plan to migrate to 3592 and 3594 in semi-automatic mode after Dec 15.  
> That is a manually controlled station will have to initiate the connection.
> 73 Dave WB2FTX Eastern Area Digital Cooridnator NTS Digital


    I am very fond of emergency ops and have served in a
leadership role therein in the past.

    I am also concerned that services provided to public
and afiliated volunteer agencies not become the camel-
in-the-tent leading to permament annexation of Ham
spectrum for unattended-automatic digital communications
used only by a tiny fraction of Hams.

    The Feds and Red Cross and others hold a ton of
minimally utilized spectrum that they can and should
make available for the testing of gear and the training
of volunteer personnel for disaster/emergency deployment.

    The modes we are discussing are generally somewhat
mature in format, generally require proprietary hardware,
and are inaccessible to those not in possession of said
proprietary hardware.  Fellow Hams cannot even enjoy
monitoring the QSO's and marveling at the technology --
they are not hobby-friendly modes, they are purpose-
specific modes.

    Given the tiny number of users and the mostly marine
and disaster/emergency-related purposes of such modes
it is not far-fetched to contemplate 100% of such apps
being relocated permanently off Ham spectrum -- making
way for fully attended modes under development that
use less spectrum and which utilize non-proprietary
software and hardware -- so that fellow Hams may listen
and learn and so that QRMing is rare vs unavoidable.



Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
... in sunny & warm Florida  :-)
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