Thanks for the nominations.  Here are the Third Annual Digitalradio 
Awards .


Best "new" Digital Mode : WinDRM with Francesco Lanza 
HB9TLK  ,digital voice. Major advances .

Best New Software:  fldigi from Dave W1HKJ.  A big boost to the Linux 
digital world.

Best Supported digital related software........ Multipsk by Patrick 
Lindecker F6CTE.

Biggest development in 2006:  Addition of Reed Solomon encode/decode 
in Multipsk.

Biggest disappointments of the year : 
1. ALE . Has just not taken off in the amateur world.
2. Softrock 40.  What happened to it ?

Best Digital Modes Interface : Microkeyer by Microham.  Still the 
best performance, workmanship, and customer support.

Best Digital Contest:  European PSK Club ,  PSK63 Contest.  Good 
activity and proved PSK63 is great for contesting.

Experimenters Award: Awards go to three hams this year. John VE5MU , 
Tony KT2Q ,and Bill N9DSJ.

Tony for his work with Digital voice comparisons, John and Bill for 
their work with PAX2 and 110 baud packet beacons.

Most Underrated:  Commander by Dave Bernstein AA6YQ.  This product 
can really assist the digital ham.  Spotting interfaces, rig control, 
memory banks, and more!

Most Useful In 2006:  PSKMAIL by Rein PA0R .  2006 has been poor for 
propagation and PSKMAIL has proved more capable than most other modes 
for emergency and other non-Internet dependent message systems.

Needs Inventing in 2006-2007(still) ...... HF APRS with Olivia.

Most Anticipated Event in 2007:    Release of  Digital Master 780 by 
Simon Brown, HB9DRV.

Software To Watch in 2007:....  PC-ALE by Charles Brain, G4GUO.   
Major upgrade due in early 2007.

Digital Hams We Miss:  Mako JE3HHT  author of MMTTY, MMSSTV, and 
MMVARI.  Mako has distanced himself from amateur radio in 2006 but 
those that have succeeded in contacting him say that he may have some 
time in 2007 for his digital ham products.

Get-Well-Soon:  John Becker W0JAB, co-moderator of Digitalradio.  
Some nasty health issues in December 2006.  Thanks for the valuable 
help John, here's to your health in 2007.

The awards are solely the opinions of Andy K3UK and thus are better 
opinions than anyone else :>),

Happy New Year.

Andy K3UK

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