--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "DuBose Walt Civ AETC CONS/LGCA"
> Again, may I inject my 2 cents worth.
> SCS says that Pactor III is 4 times faster than Pactor II and the
code would indicate such.  Thus the raw channel throughput IS faster
and the BER should be better.  But as far as performance goes at
varying SNRs will make a difference in throughput.
> At a -5 dB SNR on the KC7WW channel simulator KN6KB measured the
throughput of Pactor I/II/II as about the same. At a + 10 dB SNR, the
maximum throughput of Pactor I was measured as ~ 100 NetBytes/minute.
Pactor II measures as ~3000 NetBytes/minute and Pactor III measures as
~11,000 NetBytes/minute....almost 4 times that of Pactor II.
> 73,
> Walt/K5YFW

Hi Walt,

Thanks for reply. As I understand it if I need the speed it is a very
good idea to upgrade to PACTOR III. I have PACTOR I and II at the
moment and I am very happy with it. If the measurements are also true
in real conditions too, then perhaps it is a good idea to upgrade to
PACTOR III since when conditions are good the 4 times increase is
great and one would hold an HF channel busy for shorter periods.

73 de Demetre SV1UY

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