Ok playing Devil's Advocate here.
why in the world would the PSK pick 070 any knowing that 
has was used for years and years for the auto pactor station
It's like play tag in a 5 lane interstate.

This one I'll never understand.

At 07:49 PM 3/8/2007, you wrote:
>The above is the best example of turning the facts on their head, 180 
>degrees around,  that I have heard in some time.  The fact is, the 
>automated Pactor stations are the ones who have consistently refused to 
>operate in their own subband, and have instead insisted on sharing all 
>of the freqs generally used (first!) by the keyboard-to-keyboard modes.  
>If the Pactor stations had been willing to stay up in the old Packet 
>segment, no one would go up there and they would probably have it all to 
>themselves.  But no, they have always insisted on also working down 
>around 7070 and 14070 for example, to our infinite harm.
>de Roger W6VZV

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