John ....

I SUPPORT any change that allows NEW forms of radio
however anyone knows those changes need to take place
on bands and with new modes that will not displace
existent users.

"6M is a huge band, that even when it is red hot, as
we hope it is again in a few years, is very coveted by
many businesses, in addition to BPL"

What bussness wants 6 meters ?????? And where do you
get this ???? There are thousands of users on 6 meters
and unlike some bands is NOT a unsed band.

200 kHz wide on bands below 222 MHz at this time makes
no sense and on 6 meters would raise the noise floor
as well as interfere with many nets long using the
band from 50.4-52.525.

Same goes for the 2 meter band again no space for this
kind of mode.

HOWEVER the VERY under used 222 MHz band is such a
place for this and the FCC agreed that this was a good
place to allow such modes.

The fish are biting. 
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