We have had PSK and RTTY and APRS users for DECADES
and because they take up similar space they do not
cause a problem AND they have place themselves AWAY
from most other users ..... however you know unlike
the 5 watt comments What we see on 6 is the HIGH power
boys crawl out of the woodwork at the slightest band
opening NOW .... take 500 100 kHz wide 1KW signals mix
them and add in how intense skip at 50 MHz can be and
it will sound like Cb .......

Last year i sent out over 300 QSL cards on 6 SSB alone
also a smaller number on 52.525 FM and a handful on
50.4 AM I have PSK-31 but at this time it is not
working correctly but one opening MANY psk-31 stations
were on 6 along with the CW/SSB/AM and FM guys.

The ARRL grips about BPL then wants to place it on 6
meters .....

IF the ARRL had restricted it to ABOVE 50.5 and BELOW
51.5 Most of us could live with it because that part
of the band is VERY lightly used and far enough away
from weak signal users that it would not be likely to
cause problems .

2 Meters is a similar problem everything above 145 has
users on it  and below 144.300 is weak signal work

This is NOT a digital must be stopped thing but a
digital needs to be able to live with all the other
modes ..... and the ARRL idea that us old foggys are
going to die off is going to be prove wrong .....
they seem to be bent of KILLING us .....

I must remind you only the good die young ..... 
And I'm not known for being good .....

Get your own web address.  
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

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