> Doc (David?), much of your comments are very good but there is
> one point I would like to disagree with: the Winlink
> Development Team is very cooperative with people who
> want to add support for Linux (and I assume OSX).
> They have gone so far as to make certain code available.
> Granted, this is not open source but it is very, very
> cooperative.

I did not intend to imply that they were anti-Linux,
just that the fully functional app is only available
in a proprietary MS version of windows format.

Great news to read that they have made their code
available for Linux development, too bad the Pactor
folks have been less forthcoming despite early promises

I remain skeptical as to the widespread adoption of
radio-Internet links on already crowded Ham spectrum.

Sure would seem better to move such ops to new dedicated
spectrum being abandoned by shortwave stations and
broadcasting SSB links which have moved to satellite and

Perhaps a whole new licensing system for radio-Internet
ops who are primarily "appliance ops".  It could become
a new stepping stone from computer geeks to Ham Radio!

> In my opinion, the automatic operation should continue
> to be limited on the ham bands until busy detection is
> implemented.

It has been my view that automatic operation might be
banned from all Ham bands except perhaps the already
channelized and hyper-regulated 60M segment.

Or, see previous suggestion re. a new Service on new
spectrum.  :-)

> You probably know this already but just in case, there 
> is a package called Mono that allows you to run .NET
> programs on Linux.  It may be possible to run WL2K 
> (the PMBO code) with this tool.  Also, there is a Linux
> version of TelPac.

I have not heard of Mono, will have to check that out.
I have used WINE, it handles some but not all MS apps
under Linux.  There are a couple of others as well.

Is TelPac a complete or partial implementations?

> Those of us who want to use Linux will need to help
> work on those versions.  Howard

I dream of sufficient coding competence to develop
anything!  What little I did in the past with BASIC,
various macros, and a tiny bit with C, has been lost
due to lack of use.  Even my HTML and JAVA coding is

I love the guys on the Puppy Linux forum who can
whip up a chunk of code in a heartbeat and who have
woven together a magnificent tiny operating system
to which it is really easy to add apps.  I am trying
to learn the process for making what are called


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Personal: http://bibleseven.com/kd4e.html
Ham QTH: http://mysite.verizon.net/kd4e/

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