What I would like to see developed is a MS OS version of PSKmail so that 
this technology could be used to a greater degree here in the U.S. Linux 
adoption is very low yet and probably will be this way for many years in 
this part of the world.

Automatic operation has been with us for many years and it would be very 
unlikely for the FCC to rescind the rules on RTTY/data automatic 
operation. Especially considering the strong support from the ARRL that 
got this adopted a decade or so ago.

What I personally would like to see are cross platform, inter-operative 
narrow to medium bandwidth, non-proprietary modes for messaging on HF so 
that the bands are shared more equitably instead of having stations with 
extreme wide bandwidth operation and which are inefficient users of the 
spectrum compared to many narrow, but simultaneous users being able to 
communicated on our shared frequencies.

When you use Mono, don't you have to write programs with this in mind? 
Or can you actually convert existing programs? My impression is that you 
need to develop programs that can access the Mono API and C# language.


Rick, KV9U

kd4e wrote:
> I remain skeptical as to the widespread adoption of
> radio-Internet links on already crowded Ham spectrum.
> ---
> It has been my view that automatic operation might be
> banned from all Ham bands except perhaps the already
> channelized and hyper-regulated 60M segment.
> ---
> I have not heard of Mono, will have to check that out.
> I have used WINE, it handles some but not all MS apps
> under Linux.  There are a couple of others as well.

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