Let me make it clear no one is blaming digital users
for tiring to get adjustments to allow new modes
PROVIDED you do not displace existing ones.

Alan ...
Yep they sure did ....... NOT

The ARRL had no interest in negative input ...

NONE of the 6 meter forums and I'm a member of a
number of them had comments on it NOR were any of the
6 meter groups asked ....

Look at 6 meters and ask how do you justify 100 kHz
wide signals on 90% of a DX band ????

Look at 2 meters and where would you place 100 kHz
wide signals ???? 145.900 ? 146.520 ????

When myself and a number of others sent E-Mails to
arrl directors we got letters directing us to other
directors ..... THEY WELL KNOW who to contact for
bands like 10 6 or 2 meters if they REALLY want to
hear from users.

A clip from a digital post ......

"Wow. The league wants total control of "boxing" new
modes into a smaller part of the spectrum; meanwhile
we keep the analog junker repeaters happy with their
bandwidth-hogging transmitters nicely segmented away
from new technology.
Too bad - you'd think the amateur service would have
room for both; antiquated technology and new fanged
digital modes."

And digital needs 100 kHz now WHO is the bandwidth hog

AND how many hams are even ARRL members ?

No doubt there are ways that new modes can work along
side the older ones but common sense among the ARRL
Ellette is needed next time.


--- Alan NV8A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> According to the latest ARRL Letter, the League has
> been asking people > for three years now and has
received many responses. > Withdrawing 
> RM-11306 now is one result of those responses.
> 73
> Alan NV8A

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