I settled on a 22 inch LG that Best Buy had a good deal on (US$230.00) .
Just started using it 5 minutes ago.  Looks great, have not done a dead
pixel test yet but I don't see any obvious ones.  I will have to play around
with the optimum distance for a while.

It does have a DVI input, but my PC does not have a DVI output , maybe time
to add a new video card soon.

Andy K3UK

On 9/1/07, AA0OI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Hi Rick and Andy:
> I have a Olevia 37" wide screen HD that I use in the shack. Res is
> wonderful and can watch HD tv and HD videos on it as well.. will work on xp
> and vista, and they have gotten very cheap ( compared to when I bought this
> one -- it was 1300 dollars now, I look around and can find same one for
> 699). Have never regretted the large HD screen New ones have HDMI input as
> well,, make sure if for the shack monitor has DVI input ( and computer has
> DVI out) or res will not be as good ( and can even be poor).
> Use mostly for Digital SSTV ( EZPal and MMSSTV) but these are just a few..
> MixW and all the digital modes. If you get a large screen you'll wonder how
> you ever lived without it.
>  Garrett / AA0OI
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Saturday, September 1, 2007 1:37:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [digitalradio] PC Monitors for ham use?
>  I have seen some multi screen shacks. In fact, I think one ham has 5
> screens for various functions, some of which are dual screens with one
> computer. My idea was to keep things a bit simpler so I wanted only one
> screen that was at the "right" distance for my limited eyesight
> accommodation. In fact, I have some "computer" glasses which have a
> large upper area set to the screen distance and the lower for reading
> distance. It makes a huge difference for me compared to trying to see
> the screen with the center of my trifocals. Progressive lenses have a
> very small sweet spot for a given distance so I have not gone that route
> either.
> My 22" Samsung 225BW works well with either Windows XP or Vista as long
> as you insure that the screen is connected to and turned on when you
> boot up the computer as it has to detect and set the screen parameters.
> Otherwise, it can look as bad as it does with Linux OS and that is
> completely unacceptable to me.
> Other advantages of a large widescreen is the ability to play widescreen
> movies to match the screen size (larger) and it makes it easier to bring
> up two documents you are working between and drag and drop as needed.
> The one downside is that you don't necessarily have more real estate to
> work with, it is just wider and because of that, you make not see as
> many lines of text in a document as you would with a 4:3 monitor. As you
> probably have noticed, almost all the monitors sold now are widescreen.
> Same trend with notebook computers.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U
> Andrew O'Brien wrote:
> > Any thoughts on a wide screen PC monitor versus a standard screen?
> > I'm thinking of adding a 21 inch wide screen.
> >
> > Andy K3UK
> >
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