
I have brought this up many times, but there are new people that may not 
be aware of the SCAMP (Sound Card Amateur Messaging Protocol) testing 
that we did several years ago. I spent many hours with this technology 
and I can tell you that it is an outstanding program. I am not sure why 
the software author thought that RDFT was going to operate down close to 
zero dB. Some of us pointed out that it was not reasonable considering 
that the Linux source was used by other programmers to develop the first 
SSTV programs and we knew that they required signals well above the 
noise.  Unfortunately when the program did not work as well as expected 
they completely abandoned it (and us) and worse, had timers to insure 
that the software would self destruct so that no one else could use it 
or share it with anyone. To say that I was appalled is putting it mildly.

At the time that SCAMP was developed, the common wisdom (that is often 
not that wise) said that you could not do what you also claim can not be 
done, with detecting and responding to many different waveforms, and 
within a given bandwidth, and at a certain level, and that it could be 
adjustable. SCAMP proved them wrong. Steve Ford, WB8IMY, who is now QST 
Editor and long time digital promoter, and others such as myself, were 
able to get the software up and running and made connections through one 
of the three SCAMP HF servers that were then available.

The timing feature (like throwing dice) is basically the same concept we 
use in networking such as ethernet to reduce (but not completely avoid) 
collisions. It is an excellent feature but could be changed any way you 
wanted, assuming you had a better way. Even if modulation stops within 
the passband, it does not necessarily mean that the frequency is no 
longer in use, it could mean that the other station is now transmitting 
and can not hear the signals.

But if a human operator is on one side with a modicum of ability to 
detect a busy frequency, and the robot side has some kind of ability to 
detect a busy frequency, then you don't have the main issue of the 
hidden transmitter problem (unless maybe some unusual one way propagation).

Bottom line is the busy frequency detection has been invented, it works 
well, and no one should be arguing about whether it can work. What they 
should be doing is either trying to implement it from the developers 
code, or if they will not share with the amateur community (has anyone 
asked?) then try and reinvent it.

Because our bands are relatively small for the number of users, 
particularly during certain times, it seem very unlikely that we will be 
able to find bandwidth for automatic operation where there is no 
requirement (as their currently is) to insure that you are not 
intentionally interfering with an ongoing busy frequency as has been 
recently suggested. I certainly would not support such an idea 
considering that the technology has made it unnecessary.


Rick, KV9U

Robert Thompson wrote:
> On 9/17/07, Dave Bernstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has this been widely tested by third parties on a large number of
> differing HF channel conditions? The hard part isn't the *busy*
> channel detection, it's the *clear* channel detection.  As long as
> *clear* channel detection (Clear to Send) generates so many missed
> transmission opportunities, people will disable it. After all, it's
> the one change that will dramatically improve their message delivery
> throughput, so barring a gun to the head, why would they *not* disable
> it?

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