>>>AA6YQ comments below

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Thompson" 


The issue is that if a human is involved, at worst everyone shrugs and
figures he's an impolite operator. 

>>>If a human is involved one can send "the frequency is in use, 
please QSY". Most of the time, the offending operator will sheepishly 
apologize and move. In the few cases where that doesn't happen, you 
know you're dealing with a lid.

If an automatic station is involved, it is the "evil enemy" and deep 
dark motives are imputed to its operator. 

>>>I disagree. QRM by an automatic station generates enormous 
frustration because there's no way to say "the frequency is in use, 
please QSY". The build-up of this frustration over multiple events 
does causse operators to question how any considerate amateur could 
operate equipment that transmits without first ensuring that the 
frequency is clear. The implication is that operators of automatic 
stations without busy frequency detectors believe their traffic to be 
more important than everyone elses; this arrogance breeds contempt.

An automatic station should properly achieve a higher
standard than a human operator, if only because it is less able to
apologize and abort, but it seems that many human operators are
unwilling to accept anything short of perfection. 

>>>I disagree. To my knowldedge, there are no automatic amateur 
stations employing busy frequency detectors. Thus there is no 
evidence that human operators are unwilling to accept anthing short 
of perfection; other than the SCAMP Beta test, there has been no 
deployment of imperfect solutions for human operators to reject.

>>>As I've said before, busy frequency detectors that are 80% 
effective would make a huge difference, both by dramatically reducing 
the incidence of QRM from automatic stations, and by eliminating the 
perception that operators of automatic stations are arrogantly 
unconcerned with the impact of that QRM to ongoing QSOs.

       Dave, AA6YQ

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