No one is saying you don't have a right to get on the air. What this
thread is about is expanding a sub-band that does not need to be
expanded. Also the problem with folks like you, not saying you do,
that cause so much harmful interference it is making it hard for us to
get on the air. Now I flip that question back to you. Do we have a
right to get on the air using other modes besides winlink?


--- In, "John Becker, WØJAB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Take a look at this map
> I don't ZL3LL about 2000 miles south east of the big island of Hilo
> had any internet connection to post this location update. nor did 
> any most of the hams all around Australia. 
> Yeah that's right, each and every one of them green pins on that map
> is a ham. Now are you saying that they have no right to get on the air
> while at sea?
> Show us some of this "business-related" traffic.
> I have never seen any at all pass my screen. Not any.
> John, W0JAB
> At 07:00 PM 10/17/2007, you wrote:
> >Automatic operation is mainly a way for boaters and RVers to use
the ham 
> >bands for cheap internet access.  This is not a valid use of our
> >spectrum and is probably illegal since most of this traffic is 
> >business-related.
> >
> >de Roger W6VZV

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