n6vl wrote:
> Let's give the DRCC a shot!
Hi Steve,

I wasn't aware of DRCC, ut then I guess no one can keep up to date with 
everything that goes on.  HI.

The problem with creating another organisation that encourages digital 
modes is that there are already two that I know of, which are quite 
closely related, called the European PSK Club  ( 
http://eu.srars.org/index.php ) and the Olivia Modes Club ( 
http://www.oliviamodesclub.net/ ).  Although EPC uses 'European' in its 
title, there are members from several non-European countries who have 
become members, in the same way as the GQRP Club has a number of members 
who are not in the UK, but are able to be full members anyway.

Then there is the Digital QSO Club ( http://dqso.net/start.html  ) and 
probably others that I've not yet come across.

Cheers - Dave (G0DJA)
EPC number 1117
OMC number 069

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