Thanks for your comments Dimitry as they do help with understanding your 

One thing that I wondered about when using the program for our test was 
the relatively slow speed at the ~ +5 dB S/N. The 600 showed on the 
screen which now if I understand your comments below, the slowest bps 
rate for your version of the STANAG modem is 600 bps.

For around a +5 dB S/N is that about right for the 600 bps rate?

If the program was running at the 600 bps rate, and had a throughput of 
around 300 wpm, is that about what we should expect?

Did you try using the other STANAG modems down to the more robust 75 bps 
too or did you find that impractically slow?


Rick, KV9U

dmitry_d2d wrote:
>     1. A few words about OFDM and serial tone modem.
>      Let's find out how the fight between ISI and Doppler  shift
> takes place in these systems. OFDM uses the great number of  low
> speed  channels  so  the symbol duration  increases.  While  the
> duration  of ISI is much smaller than symbol duration everything
> goes  well. Consequently there is an aim to increase the  number
> of channels ad infinitum BUT at the same time natural limitation
> takes  place. It's just a Doppler shift effect. Hence  there  is
> always  a compromise between ISI and Doppler shift. Moreover  we
> should  take into consideration a big peak factor which  results
> in  non-effective  usage  of  power of  transceiver.  There  are
> methods  directed at improvement of peak-factor,  but  the  most
> part of them makes the system characteristics worse.
>     In case of serial tone modulation the fight ISI with Doppler
> is  provided  with adaptive algorithms. The more  effective  and
> faster  they are the larger number of Doppler and ISI the  modem
> can manage.
>      As  for  RFSM it should be mentioned that now  it  includes
> rather  efficient adaptive algorithms that work  properly  at  a
> speed  of  600(500) up to 4800(4000) bps (wide/narrow mode).  To
> work  at  a  speed  6400(5333) - 8000(6666) much  more  compound
> algorithms  are  needed. In particular using  turbo-equalization
> will improve noise proof feature at all rates.
>      Therefore OFDM and serial tone modem can be more  efficient
> in  dependence on channel statement. In my opinion  serial  tone
> modem with effective adaptive algorithms is the most effective.
>     We'd like to mention that under certain circumstances either
> serial  tone  or OFDM modem can fail to provide connection,  for
> example,  when  the  Doppler  shift  is  extremely  high  (polar
> communications).  In that case one should  use  the  methods  of
> "spectrum  spread"  that  extending  the  symbol  in  time   and
> frequency.  Unfortunately the speed would not be  high  in  this
> case.
>       So   the   best  way  out  is  to  measure   the   channel
> characteristics  and  choose  the  speed  of  transmission   and
> modulation method according to them. The full adaptation of  the
> all characteristics is required.
>     2. About our users.
>     The   project   RFSM-2400/8000  was   initially   aimed   at
> organizations  (not  for HAMs)! (First version  had  no  0,3-2,7
> band, which is adapted for HAMs).
>     Its  prime value is that high-performance algorithm is  used
> in  it. Consequently only technical specialists of organizations
> where  data (files, mail etc.) transmission through HF is needed
> can  estimate  the  program at its true  worth.  They  need  the
> following: high speed of connection and data transmission.  They
> are  the  FIRS  GROUP  OF  OUR  USERS.  For  example  there  are
> organizations (our users at the moment) who even haven't  looked
> upon  HAM -modems  (little speed, instability, absence of  files
> transmission in spite of excellent chat-exchange).
>     If  you  are  interested in RFSM as in a program  for  chat-
> exchange  (or even for file transmitting but you do not  need  a
> high  speed) and runner is not important for you:. You  are  the
> SECOND  GROUP OF OUR USERS. $60 may be a pretty penny  for  this
> product for you.
>     There  is also not numerous GROUP OF USERS  - THE THIRD  ONE
> The  representatives  of  this  group  are  specialists  in  HF-
> radiocommunications  and radioamateurs  at the same time who  is
> interested  in algorithms of a high efficiency - the  runner  of
> the  program. May be $60 is rather expensive for them  but  they
> can trial versions for free. They communicate with us suggesting
> interesting  and  moreover useful ideas.  We  really  appreciate
> their  advices and suggestions. Due to the THIRD GROUP the first
> version of RFSM has transformed in the product adopted for HAM.
>     3 . There are several remarks on the open source codes.
>     a)  RFSM-2400 (and  all the more RFSM-8000) is  not  just  a
> "dumb" modem though such a rate is also possible (it was used in
> PSKMail). Our product is an accomplished system of communication
> that    provides   different   types   of   services   including
> receiving/transmitting e-mail on Internet.
>     b) Speaking about OFDM it should be pointed out that we have
> got  experience in such a kind of modulation and can remark that
> to  construct this modem is incommensurably easier  than  Serial
> Tone Modem. But the modem of this kind doesn't compare with RFSM
> characteristics.  If  we  were not be able  to  realize  Mil-STD
> correctly  and  use  OFDM in RFSM, we  would  not  be  sorry  to
> distribute source codes.
>     c)   Philosophy.  Professional  free  software  is  possible
> because  qualified  developer  has  been  grown  up  by  certain
> company.   The  buyers  have  already  paid  for  software   and
> progressive  developer  as well. Then at  the  same  time   free
> software  appears (like RFSM-2400) - like an ad,  to  create  an
> image  or ease consumers' tasks. The fact that software is  free
> is  a  result  of  successful sales of developer.  However  free
> software is not possible in fact. The bigger the quantity of  it
> the poorer it's quality. So said "Write on C++ for food ;)"
>     There is also rather INTERESTING free software that contains
> ads  in  bulk - for example mobile phones or cars or pasta  ads.
> You  don't have to pay for this software!!! BUT you have already
> paid  for  this software as an end-user of these mobile  phones,
> cars,  pasta: As the prices of these goods include the price  of
> software.
>     d)  You insist that the program should distribute for  free.
> Ok.  RFSM-2400  -  a  result  of years  of  investigation  -  is
> absolutely free. Now you say that you are not going to use it as
> it is not widespread. To sum up what's been said you do not need
> this  program  for free or ... whatever! So we are  just  making 
> a conversation...
> Dmitry.

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