Hello Rick,

Ok, lets see if we can steer you to some good future ALE contacts.

As you know, a sound card has to measure up to the digital task it is being 
tasked to perform. Not all do. That topic I will leave to others that have 
covered this so well in the past on different forms many times.

Next it is important that the transceiver being used is calibrated. Doesnt 
take too many Hz off frequency to not work well. One hundred hertz is too 
much for example. Many of us have ran into that one at one time or another, 
right? A couple calibration methods are at:

The ALE Channel Zero site is a great place to meet other Ale operators and 
find an Elmer:

Dont forget that the HfLink forum is a source for information and links to 
other Ale operators.

As with any computer system, make sure your computer uses the latest 
software and fill files.

With all the Ale contacts going on world wide, I suspect there are some 
other issues with your Ale communications problems. Changes in any system 
are expected, and the ALE network is no exception. One of the nice parts for 
Ale systems is that you can scan and find those stations that you can work. 
Real-time status of all HFN Pilot Stations is provided both on the web and 
on the air (via hourly station identification). If in doubt about the Pilot 
stations you can link with, simply set your radio to receive scan all the 
listed primary data channels, and then link with the station(s) on the bands 
that are best. NVIS is OK if you can find it, but not needed.

For your having problems I suspect you need to fine tune a bit more. The 
nature of a good ALE signal requires a better level of transceiver 
calibration, soundcard accuracy, and passband flatness than most other 
digital keyboarding modes do.

In time I am sure you will work out your issues. Many have and can assist 
you too, on and off the air. Here is one source of setup information:

Some of your concerns have been addressed before. Keep in mind that all this 
is a work in progress. Over time the system will continue to grow, software 
and features will be enhanced, and it goes with out saying, that bugs are 
being worked on all the time..... just like any other system as it goes from 
conception to being routine.

Keep trying, hang in there, and I am sure you will get it worked out.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ
Current ALE Station Activity
Current Location of ALE Pilot HFN Stations

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rick W." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <digitalradio@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 10:04 AM
Subject: [hfdec] HFLinknet

>I have been trying to use the HFN system for some time now. I have had
> minimal success with connecting to more distant stations, however, I
> have had no luck with stations within NVIS range.
snip snip
> If anyone is having luck with the system, can you share your exact
> method of formatting the messages? My DTM nor DBM messages appear to be
> accepted but I never actually get the e-mail back. I am only using SMTP
> as recent information from one of the Pilot station operators indicated
> that if you send traffic to yourself via the Winlink2000 path (WL2K
> proword in the message header) it assumes you already have the message
> and will not route it to you. Thus I have been using only the SMTP 
> proword.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U

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