Hello Alan,

>But since CR/LF treatment, etc all impact this type of thing there is no 
>guarantee yet.
I have a doubt. Do you know if LF character (CHR(10)) is really managed for 
HFLink. Multipsk does not transmit LF as it is not useful for text (CR is 
sufficient and is worth for CR/LF). But if LF is really necessary, I can, of 
course, transmit this character.


Re: [digitalradio] Re: [hfdec] HFLinknet Feedback and Tips - The End

Rick W. wrote:

> why I am not able to send messages using DTM and DBM ARQ. Especially
> helpful would be those who are using Multipsk.

Hello Rick,

As suggested to you more than once, the documentation for using bbslink
is at < http://hflink.net/bbslink >.

The steps for using DBM ARQ are clearly listed. Others are using these
instructions with no difficulty.

DTM is not supported yet, and it's not been an urgent need. Most users
just use DBM ARQ, which works but it still in development. (All of which
has been discussed with you previously) Down the road we may add DTM
support to support the few HW ALE controllers which have DTM but not DBM
ARQ. But we will be adding HW TNC support as a higher priority. Link via
ALE, then use the HW TNC (or SW) mode of your choice to send the traffic.

I plan to test and confirm usage of Multi-PSK, but as explained before,
Multi-PSK's new functionality has not been tested yet. If the DBM ARQ's
are truly compatible, it should work. Data is data. But since CR/LF
treatment, etc all impact this type of thing there is no guarantee yet.

That said, it will be great if it works. If it does not, my suggestion
is to use the supported PC-ALE or MARS-ALE tool as we know it works

As others have pointed out, the faster soundcard modes are very
dependent on both soundcard frequency accuracy as well as rig accuracy.
On more than one occasion you have been observed operating 100 Hz off
frequency, which can explain your difficulty. (That was also pointed out
to you in past emails). Unlike PSK which has no "absolute" frequency
need, other modes do require this. This is not unique to ALE, SSTV,
RTTY, etc are all dependent accurate frequency. Having a new soundcard
does not guarantee this, the only way to tell is via a calibrated
system. There are multiple methods to confirm this, several are
documented on HFLink. I know Multi-PSK has this capability also.

Again, based on your expectations I'd suggest looking into Airmail and
Winlink. It's production ready, answers many of your concerns about ALE
efficiency & usage, and has a very easy to use GUI. Since you do not
like or recognize the advantage of scanning, just pop on that NVIS link
and send your traffic.

Have fun,


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