
I have always felt that the wisest thing is for each ham to decide for 
themselves what kind of operating they want to do. If they have legacy 
hardware, they may very well want to continue to use it. I used to work 
Amtor and Pactor and especially Clover II, but that was quite a few 
years ago. I have had Kantronics UTU, C64 plus firmware, homebrew RTTY 
(both tube and then XR chip based), AEA CP-1 with BMKMulty software, and 
finally the HAL P-38. I was one of the earliest users of the Aplink and 
Winlink systems. I used to have links with Ray Petit, W7GHM, inventor of 
CCW, Clover, and Clover II, not that we had great connections much of 
the time. It was fun to experiment with what was then new technology. I 
then set it aside due to cost and other interests.

When PSK31 and then other digital modes modes were possible to do with a 
computer and sound card, I got back into digital modes and find that 
even more interesting than what we did with the hardware systems. It is 
sometimes more difficult, but I like the challenge (at least most of the 
time, HI). Hard to get any other local hams interested though:(

I can't exactly compare the new ARQ sound card modes with Pactor since I 
don't have the hardware anymore, but FAE400 seems to be able to perform 
at least as well as Pactor for much of the time. The quasi duplex 
operation is quite similar to Clover II. Have you ever tried to do some 
comparison testing? I would be interested to hear of the results. 
Something like the RSGB study done some years ago would be most welcome.

The advantage of sound card modes (other than the obvious low cost 
factor) is that once you are set up for one mode, you can expect to do 
most of them with the same setup. With hardware, you need to switch 
boxes and systems which is less convenient and drastically more 
expensive unless you already have the hardware.

At this time, nothing can compare with the newest hardware modes, 
particularly Pactor 2 and 3, since there are no sound card modes that 
are as adaptable to conditions with different levels. If you have good 
propagation, the newest sound card QAM technology is quite competitive 
for sending images. And you can repair bad blocks after the fact without 
having resend the entire file. But it is not ARQ on the fly.

The main thing is to do what you enjoy doing the most since as radio 
amateurs it is like having dozens of hobbies under one umbrella.


Rick, KV9U

John Becker, WØJAB wrote:
> Would you not say that having the, as you put it "legacy hardware"
> and not using it would be a step backwards as well? I as well as a lot 
> of other hams that do have and use that equipment enjoy it.
> There are a lot of very good sound card modes but I have yet to see a
> replacement for the ARQ modes. That can keep up with the hardware
> driven modes.
> John, W0JAB

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