
I have been a ham for many years and follow most all public 
service/emergency communications issues quite closely. I have never 
heard of your claims below from any reputable source. If you read QST 
and follow ARRL BOD decisions you would know that the ARRL has supported 
any and all public service approaches. While it is true that there is 
the Winlink 2000 system that uses proprietary and non-proprietary modes, 
there are also several non-proprietary systems to choose from with 
another on the way.

Some of these modes are wide bandwidth but kept within an MF/HF phone 
band width as required under Part 97 here in the U.S.  Some of the 
digital modes which have been around for a long time can be near to, or 
even more than, 2000 kHz wide.

Even one of the The old MIL-STD-188-141A (often referred to as one of 
the ALE modes) goes back to development in the 1970's. And newer modes, 
e.g., MT-63, Olivia, etc. have been around for some years and are 
sometimes used in wide mode, depending upon conditions.

Point us to some of the actual source material you found that supports 
your belief about what the ARRL has done.


Rick, KV9U
Moderator, HFDEC yahoogroup (Hams for Disaster and Emergency Communications)

David Little wrote:
> Another example of why ARRL turned over all long distance (HF) 
> emergency communications to the MARS organizations and agreed that 
> Hams were to provide only  last mile (VHF/UHF) emergency communications.
> The Ham community showed their distaste for P3, so it has been 
> largely moved to NTIA frequencies. 
> Unfortunately, it set the stage for loss of confidence in the Amateur 
> Community for Emergency Communications over a long range, unless they 
> are self-funding the entire response..
> There still are some RMS Pactor stations on the Ham spectrum, and some 
> using P3 for Keyboard to Keyboard use. 
> Most of them are candidates for MARS service as they continue to get 
> the flack from the contesters.
> Everyone eventually gets whet they want.  Some are late to realize 
> that what they got in return wasn't actually what they wanted...
> Enjoy,
> David

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