Hello Siggi and Group,

i'm very glad to see that you were able to use MFTTy with some 
So far i have learned that "tune finder" is needed.
And a Hlepfile in a more readable format?

I will add a graphical, FFT-Based, "tune finder" This might take a 
week or two. I will let you know when done.

Please send me your additional suggestions, i will collect and 
considder them as my little available time allows... step by step.


--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Siegfried Jackstien" 
<siegfried.jackst...@...> wrote:
> dear norbert
> thanks for the "second edition" of your software
> i will try it out on my system and can send you my comments about
> best 73´s de dg9bfc
> sigi
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Norbert Pieper 
>   To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 3:15 PM
>   Subject: [digitalradio] Re: mftty
>   Hello to the Group!!
>   I'm new here and have some goddies...
>   I freshly released an update of MF Tele Type V 2.0.088
>   http://www.polar-electric.com/MFTT/
>   And yes it is possible to run MFTT under Vista 
>   Instructions: 
>   Launch program directly from it's Program folder location for 
>   example 
>   "c:\Program Files\HamRadioSoftware\MFTeleType\MFteletype.exe"
>   In the properties table one must set:
>   XP Servicepack2 ( right click on the MFteletype.exe file to 
>   the properties tab and select XP Service pack 2) this step need 
>   done only one time. 
>   Execute as Administrator (each time one runs the program, it is 
>   necessary to right click the .exe file and select to run it as 
>   Administrator. )
>   Whish you lots of fun with MFTT!
>   Any feedback is welcome.
>   73
>   55
>   de
>   Norbert

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