I have forwarded this to a friend that has much the same problem but was
able to get around it also.

I'll post his reply if he sends one back as he is not a member of this list.

James W8ISS
On Friday 09 October 2009 12:59:44 chuck_sprick wrote:
> One of our major Served Agencies(SA)is a local governmental agency who is
> dictating that all EMCOMM message traffic be formatted on the ICS-213 form
> before they will accept it.  This adds a great deal of overhead to the
> messages and consumes tons more TX/RX time than simple text, which could be
> used to pass the same information.
> Has anyone else run into this issue?
> We use Airmail and WL2K on 2 meters via local repeaters during drills and
> actual emergencies and send the ICS-213 form as a .rtf attachment to the
> e-mail message.  Using QForms seems to work faster, but still is not near
> as fast as plain text.
> Any thoughts on this, other than trying to convince the SA that it's the
> information, not the appearance, that is important?  That seems to be a
> major uphill battle and one our leadership does not want to tackle.  We
> need to train like we'll fight and fight like we've trained.
> 73,
> Chuck
> EC, NE Unit, District 14, ARES

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