My understanding is that FLDIGI-NBEMS is currently being used for ICS-213 
forms, and works "well" , at least according to reports at Emcomm East last 

here is an old message... from another group.

We've been using QForms for our ICS-213 and Radiogram forms. The
application has a Windows interface and operates much like you
described. You fill in the blanks and the message is formatted for
you. The output is XML which a web browser will display, but someone
with the same QForms software on the receiving end will have the form
load into the proper format automatically. QForms doesn't have any PSK
capabilities, but it is simple to create the output and then send it
using FLARQ. Our ARES group has done that during our weekly PSK net.

The program can be downloaded at:

Michael, N0VX

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