To be honest it's something you'll have to try - and at the end of Oct / early 
Nov you will be able to use it with some big SDR input files.

The foreground spectrum is a display of the last five seconds' signal, the 
background is a time-weighted display of the laast 250ms signal.

This is very similar to the IC-7800 scope with the addition of a waterfall.

Simon HB9DRV

From: Stephen Cannon 
I was looking at the recent (Sept 8, 2009) screen shots of Simon's 
SDR-Radio.COM software in the Developer News forum there and was wondering if 
someone here could explain to me a little of what I am looking at - besides the 
obvious.  Specifically, when I was looking at the Spectrum Scope I initially 
thought it was displaying a 2D FFT, however, the colors of the peaks change 
such that it seems more like a 3D FFT in almost a 2D format - and I don't 
understand the colors.  If this is a standard display, would someone point me 
towards a file, website or book that will explain it to me?

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