More interesting question  - what is the best soft for DIGI mode
(I mean RTTY and psk - which was 99.5% of all digital activity now)?
For the RTTY I think better decode MMVARI  - and for psk (31.63.125)
was WW (DXLab) - which together with Spot Collector(using local
spots) work fantastic !

Really much popular was MixW (but not the best!!!!)

You wrote :
> I am wondering, based on you QSOs, what is the most sued multi mode
> software these days ?  I know in the old days, "Software is Digipan"
> was the most common thing we would see , then later Zakanaka or
> MixW.  What about nowadays, is it DM780, still MixW, FLdigi ?  I
> know there have been polls and surveys in the past, I am just
> looking for your on-air observations of what OTHERS are using.

> Andy K3UK

Best regards
73 Vlad UA6JD 
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