In my 2009 Olivia qso's the majority of my partners were using DM780 (about 
40%), Multipsk (about 30%), FLdigi and MixW more or less equally sharing the 
remaining 30%. 

It's interesting to see that you can predict more or less if somebody is using 
DM780 or FLdigi: FLdigi is interpreting some uncommon characters like the 
German Ä (A Umlaut) etc. in a very specific way, and DM780 has the problem that 
the first characters of a call at the beginning cannot be decoded. Sometimes I 
have the impression (and that means I cannot say that my observation is really 
correct) that MixW users show up with a slightly different signal in the 
waterfall. I don't know if this is not a secondary effect because MixW-users 
may set up their radio in a different way. Would be interesting if others could 
confirm this very subjective statement.


Juergen, DL8LE


Juergen, DL8LE

--- In, Joe Veldhuis <kd8...@...> wrote:
> I use Fldigi for every mode it supports, and MultiPSK for everything else 
> (except the experimental modes that are only available in a separate program).
> Most of the stations I work report that they are using either DM780, Fldigi 
> or MultiPSK. Haven't seen very many MixW users lately, perhaps I'm working a 
> different crowd than the rest...
> -Joe, N8FQ
> On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 11:33:01 -0000
> "obrienaj" <aobri...@...> wrote:
> > I am wondering, based on you QSOs, what is the most sued multi mode 
> > software these days ?  I know in the old days, "Software is Digipan" was 
> > the most common thing we would see , then later Zakanaka or MixW.  What 
> > about nowadays, is it DM780, still MixW, FLdigi ?  I know there have been 
> > polls and surveys in the past, I am just looking for your on-air 
> > observations of what OTHERS are using.
> > 
> > Andy K3UK

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