Bonnie, sitting on the side, I see both sides of this.  You, on one hand, 
always appear to be pushing expansion of new modes (which is good in some 
respect - that's what makes for advancements in science), but on the other 
hand, you appear to always want to push other users away, with broader bands, 
higher speeds, and be dammed with any mode you do not want to use.  I haven't 
been reading much of your output this past year, because I truly got tired of 
seeing that, particularly when you seem to just ignore the expense of present 
users.  I would like to remind you that many of us have, over and over, been 
the victim of some digital mode popping up on a busy frequency, and driving us 
off.  You could make a great contribution to acceptance of these new modes, if 
you would just step up and agree that it happens, and that the contributors 
(program writers) should write in for "busy frequency" checking of the bands, 
before transmitting their own  signal.  We already require this of 
CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK etc. users.  Why should a user of these higher-newer modes not 
be held to the same requirements?  With your knowledge and experience you can 
make a great contribution here, but really need to help cut back on the push to 
allow interference to others, for "advancement" to techonology.  Please give 
this some thought.  And by the way, contesters are a very main reason for 
advancement of technology in antennas and hardware - and they have been here a 
long time.  ( I agree, they too should be limited to set sub-bands within the 
spectrum, but that is unlikely to happen because the sponsors are quite 
unwilling to accept the facts of their interference to other users).  
Danny Douglas
All 2 years or more (except Novice). Short stints at:  DA/PA/SU/HZ/7X/DU
Pls QSL direct, buro, or LOTW preferred,
I Do not use, but as a courtesy do upload to eQSL for those who do.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: expeditionradio 
  Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 10:23 AM
  Subject: [digitalradio] Disinformation about ALE by N5PVL Re: Getting serious 
about ALE / LID factor


  Your constant efforts to spread disinformation about ALE use in ham radio 
shows how little you know about how hams are using ALE.

  If you are really concerned about lids on HF, start with the #1 primary 
source of QRM: contesters.

  Bonnie VR2/KQ6XA

  --- In, "Charles Brabham" <n5...@...> wrote: 
  > The system was not designed for use on amateur 
  > radio's shared spectrum, and that is why it's use 
  > is not appropriate there. 


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