Alan Barrow wrote:
> Rick Karlquist wrote:
>> That reminds me.  During the CW Sweepstakes 2 weeks ago, I was trying
>> to operate on ~7030 and bursts of RTTY-sounding stuff kept coming
>> on the frequency for 5 or 10 seconds every once in a while.
>> Is that ALE?
> That was not ALE, as the common frequencies used for ALE are up in the
> higher parts of the band for US ops and for all unattended, in the
> "automatic" sub-bands as defined by the FCC.
>  Might could have been Euro ALE, but I doubt it, and you are in their
> voice band, so all types of QRM could be there.
> Likely it was exactly what you described it as: RTTY of one form or
> another.
> Have fun,
> Alan
> km4ba

I think I was actually on 7040, which someone else pointed out
is an automatic frequency.  BTW, the Euro voice band is now 7100
to 7200, but it was never as low as 7040 except during Phone contests.

If all automatic stuff is confined to 7040, I think it can coexist
fine with contesters; we can just avoid that frequency like we avoid
the slow scan frequencies on 20 meters.  It isn't worth arguing with
the 14.230 MHz frequency police.

Rick N6RK

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