On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 7:44 PM, Patrick Lindecker <f6...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hello Wes,
> I saw the test file. It is nice except the long suite of figures, which
> could be a cause of possible systematic failure (with many errors following
> a first error) . Better would be to keep only the call signs which include
> figures and letters and produce a good diversity (and so a more precise
> statistic result).
> Also it would be perhaps interesting to transmit the RTTY characters
> through 2 different programs because a program could produce a not exactly
> nominal RTTY transmission and its decoding could match this transmission
> (for example, the stop must be 1.5 bits but can vary in fact). If, with two
> different transmissions, the results are the same, they can be considered
> as reliable.
> 73
> Patrick

Good suggestions, Patrick.  I will get it done.

But first I must go to a birthday party for my 6 year old Grandson!  I have
to have my priorities right... HI HI

Wes, WZ7I

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